Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Web design

Gerry McGovern writes on Why Simplicity Is Essential to Web Design

A few quotes:

"We don't pay for visiting a site with our money; we pay for it with our time. The longer we spend on a Web site, the more we pay..."

"Visiting a Web site is about now. We have a particular need and we visit the website to meet that particular need."

"We like sites that resemble sites we're used to visiting, because they are more familiar and easier to navigate."

"If people loved complexity on the Web, then everyone would be using Advanced Search. We'd all be going to the 10th page of search results instead of clicking on one of the first three results on the first page.

We may still end up buying complex products on the Web, but our Web behavior will remain relentlessly simple and hugely impatient.
We simply don't have time to waste on complex navigation, convoluted language, or the vanity publishing of navel-gazing organizations."

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